Shelter Afrique N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme
N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme
2022-03-30 | Latest Announcement
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Shelter Afrique N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme
N18,82bn 13.25% Senior Unsecured Fixed Rate Bond - Series 1 - Tranche B
Shelter Afrique N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme
Shelter Afrique N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme N27.18bn 5-year 13% Fixed Rate Senior Unsecured Bond - Series 1 - Tranche A
Shelter Afrique N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme
Shelter Afrique N200bn Domestic Bond Issuance Programme N27.18bn 5-year 13% Fixed Rate Senior Unsecured Bond - Series 1 - Tranche A
Rating Scale | Rating Class | Rating | |
National Scale | Long Term Issue Rating | AA(NG)(IR) | Stable outlook |
Rating Scale | Rating Class | Rating | |
National Scale | Long Term Issue Rating | AA(NG)(IR) | Stable outlook |