First Capital Bank Limited (Zambia) (Dec 2023)

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Dashboards exhibit key performance metrics related to Structured Finance transactions publicly rated by GCR, which include credit enhancement levels, excess spread, defaults, recoveries and covenants.

Filename 202312-First-Capital-Bank-Limited-Zambia-Ratings-Report.pdf
Filesize 209.11 KB
Version paid report
Date added December 18, 2023
Category Credit Rating Reports, Financial Institution
Tags South Africa

The ratings assigned to Zambia-based First Capital Bank Limited (FCB Zambia or the bank), reflect its modest market share within the Zambian banking space, modest levels of capitalization supported by good profitability and support from its largest shareholder, Mauritian based FMBcapital Holdings Plc, due to strong assimilation, ownership, and a history of good performance.

FMBcapital Holdings Plc, holds a 49% shareholding in FCB Zambia; the rest of the 51% shareholding is held by local Zambian companies as follows: Afility Investments TS Limited (25%), Sakky Investments Limited (19%) and Kark Investments Limited at 7%.