Credit Reports
Over 1500 reports, spanning 22 countries, detailing GCR’s opinion regarding the creditworthiness of an entity, a security or financial instrument, or an issuer of securities or financial instruments.
Industry Reports
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Monitoring Updates
Dashboards exhibit key performance metrics related to Structured Finance transactions publicly rated by GCR, which include credit enhancement levels, excess spread, defaults, recoveries and covenants.
Filename | 2023-04-Ekurhuleni-Report.pdf |
Filesize | 253.64 KB |
Version | 1 |
Date added | May 25, 2023 |
Category | Corporates, Credit Rating Reports |
Tags | South Africa |
The City of Ekurhuleni (Ekurhuleni or the Metro) is a Category A municipality located in South Africa’s economic heartland of Gauteng. It comprises nine towns and 17 township areas, housing just under 4 million people. Having been formed by the amalgamation of all these towns and townships, the Metro does not have a defined city center, but rather is composed of several high-density areas supporting different economic activities. Ekurhuleni contributes around 6.8% to South African’s GDP and 19.7% to that of Gauteng.