Credit Reports
Over 1500 reports, spanning 22 countries, detailing GCR’s opinion regarding the creditworthiness of an entity, a security or financial instrument, or an issuer of securities or financial instruments.
Industry Reports
A collection of publications, providing you with key industry analysis and insights across various geographical regions.
Monitoring Updates
Dashboards exhibit key performance metrics related to Structured Finance transactions publicly rated by GCR, which include credit enhancement levels, excess spread, defaults, recoveries and covenants.
- Ghanaian Banking Sector Review and Outlook
- The Nigerian QSR Sector: Recent developments, trends and Outlook
- GCR Risk Score Snapshot Q2 2024 (Sep 2024)
- GCR Financial Institutions Sector Risk Scores (19 Aug 2024)
- Nigerian Insurance Industry Outlook (August 2024)
- Outlook for Islamic Finance in Nigeria (Jul 2024)
- Multilateral Development Banks’ callable capital integration into capital adequacy frameworks (Jun 2024)
- GCR Nigeria Corporate Sector Risk Scores (21 Jun 2024)
- Corporate Social Responsibility versus Environmental, Social and Governance (Jun 2024)
- Outlook for the Nigerian Funds Market (Jun 2024)
- Special Report: GCR Risk Score Snapshot Q1 2024
- Nigerian Banks Peer Comparison (May 2024)
- Credit outlook on medical schemes: a nuanced return to Pre-Covid levels with heightening short-term risks (May 2024)
- High levels of premium receivables: a systemic constraint to the credit profiles of CIMA Zone reinsurers (Apr 2024)
- The Banking Sector Recapitalisation Programme 2024- Implications for the Nigerian Banking Sector (Apr 2024)
- The Nigerian Power Sector: Recent developments and outlook (Apr 2024)
- Nigerian Banking Sector Outlook (Apr 2024)
- Zimbabwean Financial Institutions Comparison (Mar 2024)
- Ethiopian private insurance sector (Mar 2024)
- GCR Risk Score Snapshot Q4 2023 (Mar 2023)