Bryte Insurance Company Limited (Jan 2023)

Credit Reports

Over 1500 reports, spanning 22 countries, detailing GCR’s opinion regarding the creditworthiness of an entity, a security or financial instrument, or an issuer of securities or financial instruments.

Industry Reports

A collection of publications, providing you with key industry analysis and insights across various geographical regions.

Monitoring Updates

Dashboards exhibit key performance metrics related to Structured Finance transactions publicly rated by GCR, which include credit enhancement levels, excess spread, defaults, recoveries and covenants.

Filename Bryte-Insurance-rating-report-2022.pdf
Filesize 499.65 KB
Version 1
Date added January 31, 2023
Category Credit Rating Reports, Insurance
Tags South Africa

Bryte Insurance was established in South Africa in 1965, formerly operating as Zurich Insurance Company South Africa and as South African Eagle Insurance Company Limited before then.

Bryte Insurance is effectively a wholly owned subsidiary of Bryte Africa Group Limited (“BAGL” or “Bryte group”), which has a direct shareholding of 49% and a further 51% through Bryte Holdings South Africa (“BH”). BAGL is ultimately a 100% owned subsidiary of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (“Fairfax”). A Black Economic Empowerment transaction was concluded in February 2019 resulting in the transfer of 49% of BH’s economic and voting rights to Maharishi Institute (“MI”) / The Invincible Distribution Partners Trust. This effectively resulted in a 24.99% cession of economic and voting rights in Bryte Insurance (with no share transfer) to MI. MI receives dividends to support its non-profit education initiatives.